Eskdale bridges

Towong Shire Council received funding from the Victorian State Government after the 2020 bushfires to replace and upgrade a range of infrastructure across the Shire. In 2021, 12P Consulting was engaged to manage the delivery of two road bridges at Eskdale over Little Snowy Ck. The project was handled from start to finish and included the following elements;

  • Initial site investigation and engineering surveys,

  • Preparation of concept plan alignments

  • Procurement of structural designs,

  • Development of a tender package,

  • Tender assessment and evaluation,

  • Contract administration and construction superindendency,

  • Engineering site inspections,

  • Grant management , reporting and acquittal

12P Consulting’s project engineer Tim Shilling provided oversight to all aspects of the construction to ensure compliance wit the contract conditions and structural design. This included the development of hold points and witness points within the contract and regular site inspections.

The bridges were designed by Neil Wright of Neil Wright Consulting Engineers and was constructed by Waratah Constructions.


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